Dare to Shine, Healer

Break through Imposter Syndrome & Amplify Your Intuitive Gifts

A Powerful Workshop for Practitioner & Healer’s For Overcoming One of the Biggest Blocks Holding You Back From Your Soul Path & Medicine

Join Venessa Rodriguez, CNS, creator of Wildly Intuitive Practitioner Pathway, for this immersive workshop!


Attention Aspiring and Advanced Practitioners & Healers:

If you've been struggling with imposter syndrome (i.e. you don't believe you are qualified enough, intuitive enough, [insert descriptive noun here] enough...), fear of being seen, and/or procrastinating on utilizing your intuitive gifts in your healing work, this workshop is for you!

We are experiencing a massive shift in the wellness "industry" and a huge invitation to step up, serve and expand into our fullest version of our selves as intuitive healing artists, unapologetically and with joy!

This workshop will give you the inspiration, insight, and education you need to breakthrough one of the most common & biggest blocks that's holding you back - do not miss this event!

What We'll Cover:

  • What is "Imposter Syndrome", where does it come from and how it's radically misunderstood
  • My personal story navigating imposter syndrome and the simple yet profound reframe that amplified my intuition, changed my life, and got my clients better results
  • Which populations are most impacted by imposter syndrome according to research - it’s not who you think
  • The way imposter syndrome manifests as specific physical symptoms and is almost always overlooked!
  • The surprising ways imposter syndrome shows up for practitioner and healers
  • The critical connection between imposter syndrome and intuition that no one is talking about
  • The colorful origins of your imposter syndrome and why focusing on “positive thinking” or gaining success doesn’t work
  • How to breakthrough your type of imposter syndrome by focusing on 3 specific things
  • How to reclaim and amplify your innate intuitive gifts starting today
  • A special Akashic channeled message just for you on what you most need to know about imposter syndrome from a spiritual point of view

Together, we go through a unique + intuitive process to:

🔎 Identify the core roots behind your imposter syndrome,

🔦 Unearth how it’s showing up in your life, and

🔥 Clarify specific action steps to not only breakthrough imposter syndrome, but begin to reclaim ALL parts of your Self, especially your intuitive gifts

⭐️ PLUS... a special BONUS for all participants

Workshop Details

WHEN: Gain immediate access to this workshop as soon as you sign up! You'll receive an email with all the details when you register and you'll have 6-months access to the replay.

Grab your cup of tea, a journal and let's dig in together :)

WHO IT'S FOR: Aspiring to advanced healing practitioners (i.e. nurses, doctors, therapists, nutritionists, coaches, body workers, acupuncturists, energy healers, etc) who desire to overcome their imposter syndrome and connect more deeply with their intuitive gifts.

Hi! I’m Venessa

Intuitive Guide, Clinician, & Healing Artist obsessed with bringing Spirit back into Medicine & helping others to own their gifts.

I’ve been running a successful clinical and intuitive healing practice for the past 10+ years - combining clinical nutrition work + functional medicine with spiritual guidance and an intuitive approach.

I was guided to create a pathway process to assist other practitioners & healing artists in developing their unique way of incorporating a spiritual approach into their practice...working the Akashic Records and unearthing their innate intuitive gifts.

I'll warn you: This work goes deep and will expand you in ways that may surprise and challenge you, but is truly life-changing! It. Is. TIME!

What Others Are Saying...

“I feel as though a fog has lifted. Venessa’s work offered me the insight I needed to move forward with my private practice with self assurance and reignited my commitment to serve my soul without hesitation. It’s been incredibly illuminating and supportive.  I came to Venessa seeking direction and I walked forward from our time with my heart full of renewed vitality for my work. Venessa has a mastery of language paired with reading energies that is uniquely her own, which offers a perspective shifting gateway to profound transformation.” ~ Katie A., Intuitive Healing Artist

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I can’t believe how different things are in my life now from when we began..., not just health but LIFE. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for you and the coaching and caring you’ve provided. Thank you for your eternal awesomeness!” ~ Sarah G., Chiropractor

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"Venessa’s holistic approach helped me to step into a path of healing that is deeply intuitive, personal and multi-dimensional. After years of struggling, through her wise and empathic presence, Venessa helped me tap into my own inner healer. Working with Venessa has been a gift beyond measure.” ~ Chelsea Feldman, Herbalist & Teacher